Customer Case Studies

The following healthcare companies have entrusted us to accelerate their business performance by acting as fractional chief marketing officer, by developing thought leadership content and new customer programs or providing market research. Read these customer case studies to learn how their success was accelerated by working with us and gain insights into how your company may benefit from our expertise.


Click the card to learn how we have helped each client.


Benefits of Working with HSC

HSC Capabilities

Consultative product marketing support provides a unique approach to addressing business needs. Learn how we employ an ongoing, integrated, and customized marketing plan that helps your organization achieve its goals.

Funneling Success in Healthcare IT: Collaborative Role of Sales and Marketing in Lead Generation

Lead generation is often attributed to marketing. When thinking about the sales funnel, the reality is far more nuanced. Marketing is often perceived as the...

Elevate your Healthcare IT Marketing: Clinical Expertise as a Competitive Differentiator

It seems like every day there’s a new marketing technology or service. Companies promise superior awareness, higher engagement, and tons of new leads. It's...

Don’t Be Shallow! Healthcare IT Thought Leadership Requires Depth

Not all thought leadership content is (or should be) equal. Thought leadership content must possess a level of depth appropriate to the expertise, concerns,...

Think outside the Booth! Elevate Your Trade Show Marketing

Trade shows are crucial opportunities for healthcare IT businesses to showcase their products and services. These events generate sales leads through...

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