Our Blog

Read our blog to gain insights into healthcare specific product marketing strategies and tactics.

The Modern Healthcare Product Marketing Leader

The Modern Healthcare Product Marketing Leader

Last month’s blog highlighted the "era" of digital transformation. This evolution shaped both healthcare delivery and the role of the healthcare marketer. But, an emergence of digital media is only one of the forces impacting healthcare IT sales and marketing...

The Evolution of Healthcare Product Marketing

The Evolution of Healthcare Product Marketing

Healthcare delivery has evolved in the past 20 years. So, too, has healthcare product marketing. Both saw impacts via the digital transformation of marketing. An explosion of digital tools and online platforms in our personal lives has embraced this shift. In...

Making the Most of Virtual RSNA 2020

Making the Most of Virtual RSNA 2020

This year's Virtual RSNA 2020 will be unlike any previous annual meeting. Strategies and tactics for attracting walk-by traffic do not apply in this year’s model. Instead, vendors will need to find new and creative ways to rise above virtual noise and win the...

3 Steps to Creating an Effective Packaging & Pricing Strategy

3 Steps to Creating an Effective Packaging & Pricing Strategy

You have spent countless hours and significant dollars building your health IT innovation. And rightly so. You want to realize as much revenue as possible from all that hard work.  Pricing is a difficult tightrope to walk. On one hand, your product should be priced in...

Strategic Sales and Marketing Solutions to COVID-19 Challenges

Strategic Sales and Marketing Solutions to COVID-19 Challenges

With multiple COVID-19 challenges hitting our communities, healthcare institutions across the globe are “closing their doors.” From a sales and marketing perspective, this raises a myriad of concerns for healthcare IT companies. Yet, there are workable strategies amid...

How to Increase Trade Show Visibility with Pre-Show Mailers

How to Increase Trade Show Visibility with Pre-Show Mailers

As you prepare your upcoming trade show plans, you’re likely allocating marketing funds where it makes the most financial sense. Email and other digital channels are cost-effective. But are they the only option for optimizing your company’s trade show visibility?...

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