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Trade Show Marketing: Enable Your Customers to Sell for You

Trade Show Marketing: Enable Your Customers to Sell for You

Trade show marketing is a unique marketing channel. It puts your company, in person, right in front of prospects and customers alike. There’s no better selling technique than actually being face-to-face with your audience. It's an environment where you can have...

3 Ways B2B Healthcare Marketing Differs From B2C

3 Ways B2B Healthcare Marketing Differs From B2C

In the universe of marketing, there are key differences between B2B and B2C approaches. These differences are even more pronounced between B2C and B2B healthcare marketing. Marketers use a very simplistic differentiator: B2B audiences typically base purchasing...

3 Ways to Optimize your Healthcare IT Trade Show Planning

3 Ways to Optimize your Healthcare IT Trade Show Planning

For most healthcare IT companies, trade shows are an important component of any marketing strategy or go to market strategy.  But trade show exhibit hall participation is expensive, so it is important to pick the right shows to attend. This is where healthcare IT...

3 Critical Reasons to Market Your Healthcare IT Product

3 Critical Reasons to Market Your Healthcare IT Product

Marketing creates demand while sales harvest that demand. It’s easy to invest a lot of effort and resources into sales because that’s what brings in the profit. But without solid marketing to generate demand in the first place, there will be no sales to harvest. Here...

3 Strategic Steps to Improve Your Healthcare IT Website

3 Strategic Steps to Improve Your Healthcare IT Website

A healthcare IT website development or improvement effort is a strategic project. It requires planning to optimize the visitor’s experience. It must also present the visitor with the right information, in the right order, based on their buyer persona.  Visitors need...

3 Benefits of Developing a Healthcare IT Marketing Strategy

3 Benefits of Developing a Healthcare IT Marketing Strategy

Most smaller companies shy away from marketing strategy. Some abandon marketing completely. But, marketing is the bridge between sales and products. Spending time developing a healthcare IT marketing strategy can yield big benefits. Marketing strategy development lets...

B2B Healthcare Marketing News & Tips

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