case study

Infervision Increases Booth Traffic at Major U.S. Tradeshow

logo infervisionThis case study is unique, in that the primary goal was to support the company’s first major trade show in the United States. A Chinese-based company, Infervision was well-established in Asia and Europe. But, they had not broken into the U.S. market due to lack of FDA clearance and limited relationships with collaborative partners. Our experience in their field (medical imaging solutions) plus our background in trade show marketing proved to be the perfect combination for Invervision’s needs.

With Healthcare Service Consultant’s guidance, the company was able to:

  • Gain U.S. visibility prior to the trade show event
  • Create a unique in-booth experience
  • Successfully drive more booth traffic and sales activity than past events

1. Client Company Overview

Infervision creates AI-driven medical imaging software solutions. The company’s mission is to “empower doctors with higher efficiency and benefit patients with better diagnosis, outcome, and lower cost.” Their platforms serve in clinical medical imaging applications for clinical and scientific research purposes.

Primary market drivers were:

  • Need for greater efficiency within medical imaging departments
  • Way to measure efficiency and grade quality in medical imaging 
  • Desire for more user-friendly AI solutions for scientific research purposes

2. Challenges

2.1 Lack of U.S. Visibility

Despite being established in Asian and European countries, Infervision’s lack of FDA clearance challenged U.S. market availability.  Their lack of dedicated internal marketing resources limited their US marketing efforts and thus broad market awareness. The company had never participated in a U.S. trade show. They lacked “internal” resources to develop promotional marketing efforts for this particular event.

2.2 Broad Messaging

Being an Asian company with no U.S. marketing presence, the company did not have the internal expertise to promote themselves broadly and effectively ahead of the largest trade show of the year. In addition, the company’s messaging needed refinement to appeal to the U.S. market and they needed a draw to get people into their booth. Because they did not have FDA clearance for their products at the time of the show, their ability to create buzz was limited.

3. How We Helped

3.1 Coordinated & Implemented Pre-Show Campaign

In order to create enough “buzz” about Infervision’s presence, we developed multiple tactics within a pre-show campaign strategy. The campaign strategy was based upon inviting key collaborators to speak about timely topics, in their booth at specific times that we could promote.  The campaign included digital and print media promotions inviting show attendees to the booth to hear the talks and meet the speakers. But, prior to the implementation of the campaign, we took the time to refine the company’s messaging and value proposition to better articulate the value of the company’s products. 

Pre-show Campaign tactics employed:

  • Digital advertisement in an online publication
  • Pre-show print mailer that was sent to all pre-registered attendees
  • Social promotions on LinkedIn and Twitter
  • Press release, which went into greater detail about the company and its value proposition
  • Email blast to subscriber base, dedicated to the trade show

We also created a virtual press kit, to make information easily shareable with the registered trade press attending the show. The kit included:

  • Sales collateral
  • Company backgrounder
  • Press release
  • Company video

3.2 Created a Unique In-Booth Experience

Post-Show/At Show tactics:

We videoed one of the talks and edited it down to a one minute summary talk.  We shared it via email and social media to continue the conversation after the show. The sales team also shared the video personally with prospects and the video was posted on the client website.  We also tweeted from the show floor images of the booth, using hashtags popular at the show and participated in conversations via Twitter.

4. Results

Our engagement with Infervision was dedicated to this focused goal–so it was brief. In the three months spent working on this project, we helped the company achieve its three primary objectives:

  • Greater visibility in the U.S. market and ahead of a major trade show.
  • Refined product messaging and value propositions to the U.S. market.
  • Higher booth traffic and a greater number of marketing qualified leads than for this trade show in the previous years.

5. Let Us Help You

Contact us if you feel your company could also benefit from improved positioning and a strategic marketing approach.

6. Customer Testimonial

Infervision is an international software company focused on medical imaging utilizing AI.

Very well established in Europe and Asia, but new to the U.S. marketplace, we needed help with brand recognition, product and value-proposition positioning, and social media presence for our run-up to RSNA.

I had worked with Dean previously and knew his organization was the right partner for the job. The media presence, recognition, and lead generation that HSC developed for us was everything we had targeted and more.

Tony Gevo

Vice President, Infervision North America, Infervision

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