case study

Helping a Services Firm Develop Thought Leadership in Support of a Product Launch

Paragon Health

This case study highlights Paragon Consulting Partners, a California firm that offers consulting services on healthcare technology to hospitals. 

The company in 2022 launched Strings, a sophisticated analytics software application that can help hospitals and other healthcare facilities analyze their use of enterprise imaging technology. 

We helped Paragon gain exposure for Strings by developing a white paper that explains the benefits of the software. The white paper supported Paragon’s commercialization activities for Strings, helping the software gain traction in the radiology marketplace as an invaluable tool for managing enterprise imaging software.


1. Client Company Overview

Paragon Consulting Partners was founded by executives with many years of experience in healthcare technology management, with a particular focus on medical imaging. Paragon’s initial focus was on providing consulting services to hospitals and health systems, but in 2021 the company decided to leverage its years of collective experience in healthcare IT into developing Strings. Strings tracks the key performance indicators (KPIs) that can be used to analyze the operation of an hospitals or health systems enterprise imaging network. 

Strings can determine why a PACS (picture archiving and communication system) is running slow, for example, or identify data bottlenecks that might not be immediately apparent to system administrators or even OEM service technicians.

Paragon launched Strings in 2021, and the company subsequently implemented a major commercialization effort. HSC supported this effort by authoring a white paper that described the major challenges of existing healthcare analytics tools, the benefit of addressing those challenges and what kind of technology would be necessary to solve those problems. 

Paragon’s needs included: 

  • Development of thought leadership materials like white papers to support the launch of Strings.
  • Capture and documentation of customer success stories that could be shared with prospects.
  • Expertise articulating these points, along with key benefits, into language that non-technical people could understand.

2. Challenges

2.1 Bandwidth constraints

As a consulting firm that prioritizes its client relationships, Paragon’s main challenge was in finding the bandwidth and resources to develop marketing materials to support Strings.

2.2 Marketing expertise

Paragon is a lean operation and did not have a team of seasoned marketing and content creation specialists available to create new collateral materials.

2.3 Short time to product launch

With Strings launching in 2022, Paragon needed a way to quickly develop and deploy collateral material without distracting the firm from its core mission of client support.

3. How We Helped


3.1 Listen to customers

Our first goal with Paragon was to interview a couple of the company’s customers that were using Strings. We listened to several customer sites to hear their stories and learn about their success. 

3.2 Translate customer experience into actionable materials

Next, we worked to translate the positive experiences of Strings users into collateral literature that would amplify Paragon’s message and generate potential sales leads for future Strings customers. 

3.3 Generate market awareness

The white paper that we developed for Paragon helped build trust in the company’s capabilities to solve the problems they claimed to be able to solve. The white paper was used in many promotions and shared directly with prospects to drive additional sales of the software.

4. Results

Thanks to our engagement, Paragon was able to quickly deploy informational material to support its commercial rollout of Strings. HSC was able to provide marketing expertise that Paragon did not have available in-house without distracting the firm from its core mission of supporting customers with consulting and analytics services. 

Our activities enabled Paragon to achieve a successful launch of a new product that represents a significant evolution of the company’s mission from consulting services to software development and support. Thanks to its engagement with HSC, Paragon has been able to develop deeper and more sophisticated relationships with its customer base.

5. Let Us Help You

Contact us if you feel your company could also benefit from improved positioning and a strategic marketing approach.

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